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Mike Mentzer Advice

Mike Mentzer Training
Keeping Mike Mentzer's Legacy Alive

High Intensity Training Phone Consultations

"Does The Prospect Of Ever Achieving Your Bodybuilding Goals Seem Less Promising, More Elusive Than Ever Before? Don't Despair!"

High Intensity Training Phone Consultations Are Now Available!

Make no mistake, more bodybuilders fail to achieve their goals than not. Why? Because they think of muscle magazines as Sacred Scripture or science journals; and, of course, they're neither.

Stop floundering in a gray fog of helpless confusion! Stop playing Russian Roulette with your training - where you hop, skip, and jump uncertainly from one arbitrary routine to the next hoping that someday you'll eventually find something that works. Don't leave the achievement of your goals to chance. Gain control over your life by gaining the knowledge that will help you think logically about the subjects of exercise and nutrition so you can then move on and confidently do what natures requires to develop your muscles.

With a professional telephone consultation, you can look forward to getting established on a PERSONALIZED TRAINING AND NUTRITIONAL PROGRAM specifically for you. You will be set up on a program to suit your unique needs, whether you are:

Reach Your Bodybuilding and Fitness Goals

Our phone consultations are the next best thing to having Mike Mentzer train you, because you will have the opportunity to discuss any questions about your training and nutrition and clear up any misconceptions for a better understanding about High-Intensity Training.

We are happy to announce that Paul Becker is available for High-Intensity Training Consultations.

Paul is extremely knowledgeable about Mike Mentzer's teachings (having worked directly with Mike and studied all his books, lectures, articles, etc.), has vast experience in exercise science and bodybuilding, coupled with his thorough knowledge and understanding of high-intensity training principles and philosophy, we are fully confident that you will benefit from a personalized phone consultation.

One-on-one phone consultations are a great way to help you advance in your training and by learning how to properly adjust your workouts, you will be able to progress beyond what you would normally be able to do on your own.

You Will Learn:

Phone Consultation Options

Following is a brief description of the 2 basic options for phone consultations:

Option 1 is a One-Time consult:
A personalized training program will be set up based upon your particular needs. The basic fundamentals high intensity training program will be taught, and you will have the opportunity to ask whatever questions you may have already. This consultation will get you started on a Heavy Duty routine that suits your individual genetics and needs, and also help to eliminate some of the confusion you may have been experiencing if you have already started using HEAVY DUTY training.

Option 2 is a 12-WEEK consult:
The 12 Week consult begins after all information has been gathered, assessed, and the FIRST phone call. You will be set up on High Intensity Training workout and diet program based on your needs and goals. You will have weekly phone follow-ups and will be expected to send progress pictures with Measurements and Photos which are to be full body - front & back, scale weight, or any relevant info requested/needed for a successful consult and proper individual analysis.

This Will Be An Excellent Investment For You!

If you are ready to sign up for a program or if you have any further questions, please email info@trulyhuge.com or call 1-503-648-1898

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