If you are one of the millions of people all over the world that is working out doing cardio and even weight training but are still unable to see the abs that God gave you then you need to pay attention to this. You are about to discover a way that will get your sharp chiseled abs without ever doing one sit-up.
When you train your body by doing hours of cardio you are not going to get to see your abs, in fact it will simply burn away any precious muscle that you might already have. The only and scientifically proven way to get 6 pack abs is by what is known as EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption).
The answer is in short intense workouts of a maximum of 45 minutes because the results of doing this intense workout will continue for up to 48 hours. If you combine this type of training with eating correctly your body becomes a permanent fat burning machine.
Doing sit-ups when you already have a large layer of fat hiding your abs will only push your fat further out and your stomach actually gets bigger and not smaller. If you train to burn fat long after your workout is done then you will be reducing the amount of fat that you have on your body every day.
The Love sexy abs is a product available online that starts with a video that explains exactly what you are doing wrong and the reason why you do not see your abs in the mirror every day. It offers a scientific solution to every way of dealing with the problem.
The product offers 45 videos that explain in a step by step manner exactly how and what to do in your workouts which are three times a week for only 45 minutes. The site is very comprehensive and it offers the many different myths about getting your abs and why they do not work.
This product gets right to the heart of a much needed problem of both men and women who seem to think that doing cardio and doing a thousand sit-ups a day will get them to finally see their abs. This will simply not work and this product will explain exactly why and how to change your workouts so that you finally lose the fat that you have been wanting to lose.