Leukic Facts
Why is it that some guys can't seem to build muscle? Simple. They're not anabolic enough to grow muscle tissue. If your body isn't in a state of anabolism, then don't expect to add any muscle. Zero. Zilch. Impossible. Worse yet, you may even be catabolic right now and your body is breaking down precious muscle tissue for energy! Time to kill catabolism and switch your body into musclebuilding mode with LEUKIC�, an advanced anabolic activator. We're talking about potent stuff here. The world's very first 100 percent completely anabolic compound. With ongoing training, this leads to thick, dense muscle! The science proves it works. LEUKIC kicks the body into high anabolic gear as no other supplement can!
Reviews and Review
Does Leukic Work?
Not a
bad product, went farley fast
though. I found out that if you
pretty much have to go through one
bottle to get your body in an
anabolic mode and then continue with
another bottle to get good gains. I
have found better gains in strength
than looks. Im getting ready to
stack it with anator p-70 and get
extreme gains. But right now Im
using it with Tbomb 2 and it works
really well with that.
A little on the expensive side,
but on the other hand it more than
makes up for it because it does what
it says it does. This is not a
steroid, so do not expect steroid
like gains from this. 3-4 lbs gain
in 2 weeks is what you can expect
from starting this.
All I gotta say about Leukic is
WOW. I think anyways. I take it as
directed, and wow. 3 weeks ago, my
bench max was 235. Yesterday, I put
that up 3 times for my final set. So
I decided to keep going, and went up
to 255 one time with no assistance
other than a lift off.