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How Do You Gain Weight?

If you want to put on quality weight then you are no doubt talking about muscle. Putting on muscle does not come from some fancy injection or some fancy vitamin, it comes from progressive resistance training. Sports Science has conclusively proven that this is the only way to get muscle.

So when we know that the only way to get muscle is by progressive resistance then we more than likely want to know the fastest way to get this muscle. The truth is that there is no fast way to get muscle otherwise we would all look like Arnold did in his prime.

But there are ways that you can put on muscle that are a lot faster than other ways. It all comes down to the basics because if you are talking about progressive resistance then you are talking about the core strength that you have.

It is this core strength that is built up fast by doing the basics and not working on some fancy new hydraulic machinery. The basics are Squats, Deadlift and Bench press because the stronger you get in doing these movements the more muscle you are going to put on.

Professional bodybuilders will tell you that in order to gain weight you need to train with high intensity and to be able to go past the point of failure. Obviously they are correct because science has proven that the eccentric movement when the muscle is lengthening one is 60% stronger.

But if you have not been training for at least 12 months then you should be very careful about training like this. The only way that you will be able to break through that dreaded plateau that all weight trainers know about is to train with a higher intensity and go past the point of failure.

But if you have never trained with a high intensity or you have never trained past the point of failure before then you should start out slowly as you could do a lot of damage if you have never done this before. For example doing sets of less than 8 reps and going down to 6 and 4 reps can be dangerous.

When going less than 8 or 10 reps in a set the most important thing that you need to keep in mind is your technique. Doing a squat or a deadlift incorrectly when you have a maximum weight can be extremely dangerous if you suddenly change your technique and use a "cheat" style.

For more weight gain information go to Weight Gain Workout And Diet Plan

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