A hardgainer needs to really set the training up just right to get maximum intensity in a minimal time space. And this is particularly true for arm training, where the muscles are smaller and react negatively to being overtrained. Here is an arm workout that fits those parameters.
Warm up the arms
Triceps narrow grip dip - 2 sets of as many reps as possible
Triceps bench press – 3 sets of 7 repetitions , heavy weight
Incline dumbbell extension - 3 x 10, deep range of motion
Rest 4 minutes
Close grip chin ups – 2 x as many reps as possible
Barbell curls - 3 x 7
Cable Curl off preacher bench with steep incline - 4 x 10
Start this workout off with the triceps, then move to the biceps. Allow a 4 minute rest between the two muscle groups to allow a little rest and a change of focus. Take only 70 seconds rest between sets. Your arms should have quite a pump after wrapping up the session.
Although the arm muscles are relatively small, they need to be stimulated fairly consistently, even for a hardgainer. Perform this workout twice a week, with at least a couple of days rest between workouts.
To learn more about the best hardgainer workouts checkout Muscle Express Training.
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