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Gabe Davis Physique Transformation
My Rapid Muscle Growth Story
Part I

October Starting weight: 170

By the end of the summer I weighed a soft 170. I didn't feel good, didn't look good and was ready for a change. After checking a series of websites and google searches I came across Paul Becker of TrulyHuge.com. I e-mailed him through the site and we started talking about weight gain and my weight gain goals. I had lifted on and off for twelve years and my weight had fluctuated but to this point, I really hadn't gotten anywhere. Paul eventually started encouraging me that he could help transform me into the person I wanted with the body I wanted and eventually I decided I'd let him.

The story that follows is all 100% factual. The weights and dates have not been altered, I've kept track with pictures, measurements, and I meticulously recorded every rep and weight of every workout. I also have hundreds of friends and family who have witnessed this transformation and of course, most importantly, my loving wife Emily who's stood by my side through it all.

November: 175 lbs

October 23, 2006 was my first day back in the gym in months. Having been educated by Paul Becker on Muscle Express Training, I started with "The Basic Program" and also was taking Ecdy-Bolin at the time just one, three times a day.

December: 185 lbs

Saturday December 16th I measured for the first time since I'd started. Here's what I found: Biceps: 13" to 15 1/4" Forearms: 11 3/4" to 13 1/2" Chest 41 1/2" to 43 1/2" Neck: 15 1/2" to 15 3/4" Mid Thigh: 22 to 22 1/2" Total weight: 170-185lbs The 2+ inches on my arms and chest really blew me away.

January: 195 lbs

I continued with the Muscle Express Training by moving on the "The Mass And Power Phase". I also was now taking 10 Nitrobol twice a day in addition to the Ecdy-Bolin. On January 25th, (5 weeks). Biceps: +1", Forearms: +3/4", Chest: +2", Neck, +1 1/4" Mid Thigh: +1 1/2" Weight: +14.5 lbs (199.5). This was now three inches to my biceps, four inches to my chest and 29.5 pounds in three months flat.

February: 210 lbs

I had started taking Andro Shock. This stuff changed my world. I honestly figured I was about to plateau here. As you notice above, I was trying hard to hit 200 and hadn't yet. In the next 3 1/2 weeks, after lifting for 3 months, I experienced my most extreme change yet. I gained 10 lbs of lean muscle and my chest added another two inches. How? Because starting January 31st I started the Muscle Express Training "Pre Fatigue Supersets Phase" and doubled the Andro Shock intake. It was ridiculous. Everyone at the gym took notice. My weights were up, my sets were up, my rests were down, my intensity was insane. It was quite literally as if I had shifted into another gear.

In mid-February I went back to taking Ecdy-Bolin but this time I took two capsules, three times a day and in the last two weeks have put on another five lbs of muscle. I haven't re-measured again but know my chest in particular is growing insanely as I'm maxing out my shirts that I wasn't a few weeks ago.

Bodybuilding Before and After Photos

Before 170 Poundsspace After 210 Pounds

The best news of all... I'm not done. This is just a progress report. I'm still lifting. Still cycling different Truly Huge Supplements and still talking with Paul every few weeks to get workout tips, changes, revisions and advice. In October, if I would have read this story written by somebody else, I may have just laughed. That's why when I did it, I wanted to document it all, to prove, this can happen. Thanks Paul for everything you're doing, you should change your site to TrulyAmazing, because you are.

Sincerely Yours:

Gabe Davis

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