I hear a lot of talk about "frequent feedings" - the five or six small meals per day approach. Why is this important? Can't I just eat three large meals each day if they have the same calorie total?
Splitting your total daily caloric intake into five or six balanced meals has numerous benefits. These include steady insulin release/stable blood sugar, increased metabolism, more efficient digestion of food, increased availability of proteins for recovery and increased energy -- basically everything that anyone looking to increase muscle mass would desire.
The problem with the frequent feedings is simply one of convenience. It is difficult to prepare clean meals in the range of 40 per week! This is where the "miracle" of meal replacements like Myoplex play a huge role. They allow you to add two to three perfectly balanced meals to your daily intake without any effort at all. There is no guess work or risk that these meals would be high in fat or unhealthy. Score a "10" for meal replacers when it comes to helping us get the nutrition when we need it!