I have a serious problem or hit a block. I have a goal of having a max of 350 lbs and was close (345) but since I tried over a month ago my bench and overall workout has fallen sharply. My workout is as follows 2 sets of 10 at 244, 2 sets of 10 at 255, 2 sets of 10 at 266 with trouble reaching the last reps. also I include 60 lbs curls 6 sets of 10, skull crushers and pull ups and dumb bells. Now I cant seem to even hit those numbers. So I was looking for some direction in how to move beyond this mental block. My weight room equipment is low key but if you could point in some direction that would be most helpful. Also it should be noted that I do take a preworkout supplement called 1MR one more rep sold at GNC.
If this is truly a mental block, then the best thing for that is to read the book Dianetics, By L. Ron Hubbard it shows you how to get rid of metal blocks that hold you back.
As far as your workouts are concerned, if your goal in to increase strength in the bench press I would suggest doing less sets and using heavier weight in the 3 to 5 rep range.
I also suggest trying the program at Increase Bench Press Fast