I am a 23 yo guy. Height:1,87 Weight :75 kg
I only have the possibility of working out at home.
I have a pull up bar .
My goals are to maintain my current shape,and maybe get a leaner look because I really want to keep a diet from now on.
At home ,for back I do pull ups.
My maximum nr of reps for the first set are
13 (wide grip overhand)
and 18 (underhand)
I want to start a new workout program which will allow me to build muscle while losing some fat.
I do 7 sets of pull ups (with added weight so I can do 6-10 reps) once every 3 days.
Rest between sets is about 2-3 minutes.
For chest,tri and deltoid:
I do pushups (feet on a chair,1-2 minute rest)
for 4-5 sets every other day,sometimes event 2 days in a row.
I will try to mix it up and maybe include some dips or something.
My question is :
Is my workout ok in order to achieve my goals (considering the diet part is perfect),and if not, what do you suggest(considering I can only work out at home) that will get me better results?