I have done the keto diet a few times but im out of ideas.
Maybe you can give me quick guidelines.
I am 200 lbs at 6 feet tall.
14% give or take, body fat.
What way would you designe my meal plan.
Bacon and eggs for breakfast with cheese and mayo
protein after gym
tuna or salmon with lettuce and rockette and vinegar
pan fried chicken breast (sunflower oil = 1tbls) with veg (what would be best for veg here)
Beef / lamb with veg
almonds - any where between 12 and 20
this would be a huge help
Also my gf is 5 foot 4 and is 149. I see the great results your wife had and my gf is amazed. maybe you could help a bit there.
Thank you so much my friends and I am buzed about my new journey.
Oh, And we train 5 times a week