I cant seem to develope my entire chest evenly. The area from my arm pit to the lower middle of my chest seems to not develope like the rest of my chest. I tried dips but no increase. I also tried wide grip and more decline bench press but no improvement.
All you need to remember is, variety is the spice of life mate. im 28, qualified and big. What you need to do is; 3 different exersises per session,, perhaps 1st, incline bench, 2nd, flat bench, 3rd,cables,, WORK TO POINT OF FAILURE,, within a margin of 4 to 8 reps,, REST between sets but, not for longer than 90secs,, longer and,, you "should" stretch out again. To add to it,, grab someone else whos training to give you a spot, that person may just "touch" the bar and help you squeeze out another 2 reps before failure. Just, dont over do it because you think you need to work harder. I train my chest just ONCE a week. thats all you need. good luck.