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Build Bigger Biceps - Without Weights?

Posted by: Mike

You Can Build Bigger Biceps With No Weights At All!

Some of you might think that I have lost it.  The traditional way to build bigger biceps is to hit the gym and do various curling exercises with either machines or free weights.  That was my main focus to build bigger biceps for many years actually and it works well.  Now that my workout regimen is 80%  body weight exercises and 20% weights, I have drilled down two exercises and a well known technique  to build bigger biceps that get results rather quickly.

The no weights approach to build bigger biceps was a challenge I set before myself to see if it was possible.  After focusing on my biceps a couple times a week with the techniques I am about to show you, I noticed increased size, definition, and strength.  I was not the only person to notice it, my wife and friends also noticed that my biceps and arms were "ripped" as they would say.

How To Build Bigger Biceps With No Weights

Exercise #1 - Pull Ups

Pull ups are a staple for any fitness enthusiast.  Pull ups focus primarily on your back and biceps.  If you are able to do full range total body weight pull ups, it will work your biceps out great.  And to build bigger biceps more with pull ups you should always switch your hand positions to target all areas of your biceps.  Try and do normal hand position chin ups, wide front hand pull ups, close hand pull ups, etc for the most results.  Also, change your tempo up, do some pull ups slow, normal tempo, and isometric (or holding) pull ups.  By switching your hand positions and changing the tempo up you will tax your biceps (and back) and feel the burn without a doubt.

Exercise #2 – Bicep Curls With The TRX

Using the TRX to build bigger biceps was something that I thought was not even that possible. But once I began doing bicep curls with different body angles and hand positions for 1 minute straight, the results quickly followed. The TRX is one great product, and is very effective. Watch the video below to see how easy it looks to do bicep curls, but trust me it is a lot harder than it looks. You can build bigger biceps with the TRX alone, but also doing pull ups with increase the rate of results.

[Doing exercises for a minute straight burns]

The Technique to build bigger biceps without weights is super setting each exercise. For example, with the TRX exercises in the video you would do all three exercises in a row with no break for 1 minute each totaling three minutes straight your biceps are in use. I repeat this for three rounds totaling 9 minutes. You can also infuse pull ups into the TRX exercise to build bigger biceps. What I have been doing lately is 2 pull up variations then immediately doing 2 TRX bicep exercises. Or I do body weight rows and bicep exercises only doing the TRX. The goal is to always mix it up.

These two ways to build bigger biceps without weights work, I have tested them and have received great results. If you don't own a TRX, I highly suggest you get one. To build bigger biceps without weights you need the TRX and a pull up bar. Hopefully you use this post and start the process to build bigger biceps without weights soon!

Note: For more information checkout How To Build Muscle Mass Without Weights

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