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A bodybuilding diet you can stick to

Posted by: Jon

My Livable Diet

For quite a few months I have been working on keeping a good diet (centered around losing fat) that is easy to follow in everyday life and cheap. Now, I admit that mixing up a protein drink every morning and afternoon at work is not considered "easy" by many. But I know those of you reading this are already bodybuilding minded people who actually find this practice quite sane. Are we strange or what? Nothing here is ground-breaking, but if you're like me, it takes seeing this stuff repeatedly to put it into practice yourself.

The whole point of this diet, besides its ease, is to be healthy, low calorie and high protein. The only things I have not included are fruits and vegetables. Being from Iowa, I've grown up a meat and potatoes guy. You will want to add the greens in where you see fit. Obviously, I still recommend a good multivitamin (as always) to help out. Remember that your body is receiving more stress than average folks. Also, I have trouble eating much in the morning, so a lot of you will replace breakfast with eggs, etc. So here goes:

-Each meal is followed by Calories / Protein (g) / Carbs (g) / Fat(g)

7:00 AM - 1 scoop protein mixed with 3/4 cup skim milk and 2 tablespoons peanut butter. Vitamins
380 / 34 / 20 / 18.5

9:30 AM - 1 scoop protein mixed with 3/4 cup skim milk. 1 Nutri-Grain cereal bar.
330 / 29 / 40 / 5.5

12:00 PM - 1 6 oz. can Albacore tuna in spring water. 30 Wheat Thins (Multigrain).
422 / 42.5 / 37 / 10.5

3:30 PM - 1 scoop protein mixed with 3/4 cup skim milk. 1 Nutri-Grain cereal bar.
330 / 29 / 40 / 5.5

6:30 PM - (Post workout) 2 scoops protein mixed with water. High glycemic carb source optional.
260 / 42 / 10 / 5

8:00 PM - Cheese stuffed ravioli with a little marinara sauce. Vitamins (Tuna Helper or Hamburger
Helper are other options)
770 / 38 / 111 / 19.5

Daily Totals: 2492 / 214.5 / 258 / 64.5

Extra Notes:

1. I drink at least 1 gallon of water per day. To do this, I have a 1/2 gallon bottle which I drink during the day. Then I fill it up and drink it during my workout. Plus, I drink water at breakfast and dinner.

2. I always give myself one day per week to eat whatever I want. This is a sanity keeper in my book. It will let you keep those cravings under control, and doing this one day per week does not ruin anything. I have my "cheat day" on Saturday. The hardest part is then to eat good on Sunday. Personally, I have to work on this and I am getting better. Keep in mind, it's not necessarily bad if you are unable to eat 6 meals on Sunday. I usually don't because I'm not awake as many hours. I'm not usually very active Sundays either.

3. This diet is based on a 200 pound person (approximately). If you weigh more or less, you will need to adjust the calorie intake slightly for your own needs.

There you go. It's a pretty easy diet with cheap food. Obviously it's not a diet for competition preparation, but just for everyday life. I just keep all the daytime supplies in my office and some milk in the refrigerator. Other changes you could make would be having a lower carbohydrate dinner. One of the reasons I don't get too worked up over this is because I workout in the evening, so my body is still trying to get all the nutrients possible for recovery. Hopefully this will help some of you who have had trouble finding and sticking with a good diet.

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