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Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Posted by: Rebecca

We all have goals no matter how big or small they may seem. Some of us would like to put on 10 pounds of muscle while others hope to lose 20 pounds of fat. All of our intentions start out good, however when we don't get immediate results we tend to lose our motivation and focus. Don't despair, there is hope. There are three keys to successfully accomplishing your goal. To help illustrate my point we will use the goal of losing 20 pounds of fat.

The first key is to make your goal reasonable. We all know that it's impossible to gain the quality muscle we want or lose that unnecessary fat in a matter of weeks, so don't expect yourself to lose or gain those pounds instantly. Granted, there are unhealthy alternatives out there that might allow you to achieve this, but do we really want to subject ourselves to those? Just remember that we can't ask unrealistic things of our bodies. In our sample a reasonable time frame is approximately five months from now. This time frame allows for any extenuating circumstances that might arise; this does not give you approval to slack off.

The second key is to break your ultimate goal down into smaller goals. Since we have established what is reasonable, setting smaller goals will allow you to feel and savor accomplishments along the way. By breaking your large goal down into "mini goals" it makes them seem more realistic and achievable. It's easy to keep your focus and determination when you are consistently meeting your "mini goals" instead of feeling as if you have an unreachable goal looming over you. In our sample we will make the "mini goal" to lose a pound per week. Losing a pound per week keeps us within the allotted time frame. However, we can still remain healthy losing two to three pounds per week. This gives you the option to exceed the time set and boosts your confidence in the process.

The third key is to reward yourself after each mini goal" is reached. This will keep you motivated and help you stay focused. Keep in mind to not reward yourself with things that are detrimental to your goal. This will cause unwelcome setbacks. You can reward yourself with a fitness magazine or book and as a bonus it serves as some powerful inspiration. The reward doesn't have to be great; just enough to ensure you stay on track. By keeping these three key points in mind when evaluating and progressing through your goals you are sure to succeed.

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