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Why training forearms is important for bodybuilding

Posted by: Jon

Bodybuilders and weightlifters of all types usually overlook forearm training. However, a strong grip is directly related with overall body strength. If you can't hold on to 400 lbs., you can't deadlift 400 lbs. I learned the hard way to throw away the straps (those wonderful lifting aids that aren't so wonderful). I worked myself up to deadlifting 405 lbs. a couple years ago, learning to depend on straps to hang on for dear life. Suddenly, one day, I tried not using straps and found my grip was weaker than it had been to start out with. From that day forward, the straps have stayed hidden from my sight. (Scared of my wrath, no doubt.) 

The point is you need this "functional strength" to perform most exercises. And if your entire lifestyle is geared towards becoming stronger on a continual basis, you must be able to hang onto the weight. "Old School Grip Training" will teach you when, how and why to train your forearms for strength and size. Read it and you may just find your world of thought on the subject turned upside down.

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