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Front Squats Using The Sting Ray

Posted by: Jon

Many of you have heard of the Manta Ray squat pad by Advanced Fitness, Inc. The Manta Ray is a great device for free squatting. It helps distribute the weight of the bar evenly across your back and shoulder area. For people with back pains or problems, the Manta Ray can make the difference between being able to do squats and not being able to do them. 

Advanced Fitness, Inc. also makes a product called the Sting Ray. The Sting Ray is a squat pad used for performing front squats. If you have ever tried front squats, you know the pains that it can induce. This is unfortunate because the front squat is a great exercise, placing much more stress on the quadriceps than the traditional squat. For myself, the bar always hurt my arms just below my shoulder muscle, where the bar would set. Also, I would use so much energy trying to keep the bar in place that I would have to quit long before my legs tired.

A few weeks ago, I purchased the Sting Ray because I wanted to get back to doing front squats. The Sting Ray comes as two pads (one for each arm) that are connected by a "string". The first thing I noticed is the material it's made of because I don't see any way that I could ruin it with normal use. The first time I used it, I knew that the device was worth every bit of money it cost me ($39.95 plus $4.95 shipping). First of all, there is no pain, the Sting Ray pads my arms completely. Second, you do not have to worry about keeping the bar in place. The pads have a groove in them where they snap onto the bar so it is held in place. Of course, you still have to hold your elbows up higher than shoulder level (to keep your body stable). The Sting Ray has allowed me to concentrate more on the exercise, receiving more benefit and strength from the front squat.

I would highly recommend you make this one of your bodybuilding purchases. I personally rank the Sting Ray up with my purchase of Arnold's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding. It is extremely easy to use. Each pad is marked with "left" and "right" as well as arrows pointing forward. This ensures you use the device correctly every time, so there is never any messing around trying to figure out how to get the pad on correctly. If you do not currently squat because it causes you too much pain, you should seriously look at the Manta Ray.

For more information visit http://www.adfit.com where you will find pictures of both squat pads. You will also see how to properly hold the bar for a front squat. 

...and, no, this is not an advertisement. I wrote this article simply because I bought the Sting Ray myself.

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