Posted by: Jon
All to often I find myself getting into a routine with my training. At the beginning of spring, I started to cut down for the summer months. I soon found myself being bored with regular cardiovascular exercise. So, I started to think about what I could do to make it fun so it would be easier to stick with. My lifting partner and I have since started playing racquetball. It's a lot of fun and exercise. We can play for an hour without feeling like much time has gone by, and that's really important to keep you from becoming bored.
You can also start exercising outside. With the warmer weather upon us, you can now start jogging or bike riding outside. Heck, part of my exercise lately has been getting out to mow the yard! Whatever, just get out there and enjoy yourself as you exercise. It's great to get outside after the long winter here in Iowa and across the country.
Just remember to not get stuck in so much of a routine with your entire training plan. Whether it's your diet, weight training or cardiovascular exercise you need to keep from getting bored with it all. Keep yourself excited about what you are doing and you will be able to stick with it, no problem.