Posted by: Jon
Almost everyone into bodybuilding is spending a fair amount of their hard earned money on nutritional supplements. What a shame it is that so many people are wasting their money by not properly taking these supplements. I know that whenever I buy something, I want to get the most out of it. Don't you?
The reason most people waste their supplements is they don't pay attention to the idea of WHEN to take them. As the most obvious example, you've all read by now that you should have a protein drink within one hour of your weight training. This is when your body needs protein the most to get started in the recuperation process. What good is it going to do if you tear down your muscles with weight training, then do nothing to help them start rebuilding? None at all.
The most obvious way of finding this information is to read the labels on the packaging. So simple, yet so often it's not done. The second most important way to find supplement timing information is to research and read. The web is a vast pool of information. Search around about specific supplements and you are sure to find information about them from different people all around the world. Try their ideas and you will be sure to find something that will work for you and your body.
Also, be sure you do not take supplements together that hurt each other. An example of this would be one of my previous newsletters. In newsletter #1 I wrote an article about taking L-glutamine. The information in that article would help you learn how to time the intake of your L-glutamine with your protein powder. The idea there is not that you can't take two specific supplements together, just learn to take them at separate times during the day to get the most out of them. Learn how to time your supplements correctly, and you have learned how to get the biggest bang for your buck.