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Tips for Building Abs

Posted by: Justin

Perform cardiovascular activity before you workout

When the body is warmed up as a result of cardiovascular activity, you're able to get a better contraction on your abs when you work them. The warm up enables you to better feel the deep muscular burning sensation when your abs are trained. It also helps to prevent abdominal pulls or muscle strains.

Flex your abs in between sets

This technique may help to build abdominal definition. Bodybuilders have been know to stretch and flex in between sets to increase muscle definition.

Minimize rest time in between sets

Try to only take 1 minute of rest [or less] in between abdominal exercises. The goal is to keep rest to 30 - 40 seconds in between sets. This keeps the metabolism high, allowing you to burn fat at a greater rate.

Focus on diet modification

Your diet is the main factor in how your abs will look. Supplementation should also be considered for maximum results. "Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym!"

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