Posted by: Jon
This is a lesson I have learned very well over the last couple of days. Our local weight room is in an old building that still uses a boiler as its heat source. Well, they are putting in a new boiler this winter, but it's not here yet (and the old one has already been taken out!). Here in Iowa, the last few days have had high temperatures in the mid 30's. Needless to say, it's COLD in the gym and very hard to
warm-up. Basically, it almost completely ruins a workout.
The first couple days I forgot and wore my normal tank tops (duh...). I could not get my muscles to
warm-up. My joints ached the entire workout. I left the gym feeling like I had done nothing at all. Finally, I went to Wal-Mart and bought thermal shirts and a stocking hat. I wore fleece jogging pants (which are very warm), a long sleeved thermal top under a t-shirt and my stocking hat. I warmed up as quickly as I normally do in the summer. My joints did not ache. I had a great workout.
Getting your body and muscles warmed up is as important as keeping your muscles stretched. The two are actually related. Think of your muscles as rubber bands. They will stretch much easier when they are warm. Keeping warm will also help you avoid injury. When warm, your blood will flow freely throughout your body (especially the muscles being worked) and your joints will remain loose and flexible.
So, sure I looked strange, but I was the lone warm guy in the gym and my body rewarded me with a strong, pain free workout. My philosophy is: "Do whatever it takes. Bodybuilding is all about bettering myself, so I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals."