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Book Review: Mike Mentzer and Me by Paul Becker

Posted by: Randy

After more than 50 years training with weights it has been some time since I have read an actual guide or book on suggested exercise protocols. However, the circumstances were a little different regarding Paul Becker's exercise booklet, "Mike Mentzer and Me" I had just completed over a year of interactions with John Little as he was working intensely on his biographical opus on Mike Mentzer. I was given privy to the manuscript because John had asked me to write the foreword for this extensive project due to be released in the first half of 2025 with the working title, "Mike Mentzer: American Odysseus" (ECW Press).

Knowing Paul was a long time advocate of Mike Mentzer I thought I would give him a heads up on John's upcoming book. I should have known that Paul, who has administered a long and successful bodybuilding website, www.trulyhuge.com, was already aware of Johns pending release. So, when he asked if I would like to read his own experience with the Mentzer protocols, I actually was quite interested in taking up his offer. I do enjoy learning the trials and tribulations of fellow iron game practitioners through their careers.

"Mike Mentzer and Me" is not just an excellent summation of Mike's protocols over the years, but also an insightful and enjoyable evolution of learning for Paul Becker as both a trainer and competitive bodybuilder. He walks his talk and this is quite evident in his fantastic drug-free physique that he still carries into his 60s. Paul Becker knows how to train.

- Randy Roach, Author of Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors

Get your copy of Mike Mentzer and Me at https://www.trulyhuge.com/mike-mentzer-book.html

You can also find it on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Mike-Mentzer-Me-Intensity-Bodybuilding/dp/B0CNQX3NY8/

And eBay https://www.ebay.com/itm/196049887376

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer or High Intensity Training email me and I'll get back to you with an answer as quick as I can.

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