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Nutrient timing for muscle gain

Posted by: Sean

Scientists seem to agree that the "final frontier" for muscle-building is all about "nutrient timing". Manipulating the body composition obviously changes athletic performance, but there is now a myriad of factors that affect energy balance. Scientists now tell us that the accepted laws or thermodynamics have the most dramatic effect on weight loss and weight gain.

How many calories and the quality of those calories we eat is always critical when changing our body composition, that indirectly affects our performance. Unfortunately, conventional thermodynamic approaches only tell us part of the story. Very few people benefit by focusing their "dieting" exclusively on weight loss or weight gain.

Intelligent and successful control of body-fat comes from focusing on the composition of weight gained or lost. If your diet manipulation efforts have you losing fat and muscle together when you're in "negative energy balance", or you gain fat and muscle at the same rate when in a "positive energy balance", then you're not keeping up with new science.

It's a complex topic and sports science needed to be specific, without going into the complicated connections there are proven limitations in the "calorie balance" or thermodynamic approach. Scientists have recently recognized the value of food selection and how it affects body composition changes.

Recent research shows that once energy balance has been accounted for, some proteins and some carbohydrates will be better than others, just like fats. This means that by choosing your food carefully, you'll be able to upregulate your metabolism and enhance your hormonal profile. You can then reap the many health benefits by altering the composition of the type of weight gain or weight loss you are interested in.

Science has now added this new dimension of food quality and advanced our understanding in body composition manipulation. If we eat according to the laws of thermodynamics, the stage for weight gain or weight loss will be set. This new science that can tell us what to eat gives us power to transcend our genetic "inclinations" (overall body shape).

Nutrient timing is not critical for a person who does not train on a regular basis, but it's important for any endurance or weight training athlete. In conclusion, there is are two important facts that need to start being part of bodybuilders and weight training consciousness.

1. Science can now prove that when you train regularly, your body gets primed for muscle gain or loss just like it gets primed for fat-gain or fat-loss. When the wrong foods are added at the wrong time, you're sabotaging the effort you put in at the gym. When you add the correct foods, your efforts in the gym are given a huge boost.

2. Some foods like simple sugars are not optimal over certain times during your day, but simple sugars may be optimal during the post workout period.

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