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What are the benefits of weight training

Posted by: Scott

The benefits of exercise training are well known and clearly described. Any medical text or journal of exercise physiology can provide the science to confirm that routine physical exercise prolongs life and strengthens resistance against all disease. But such benefits can only be realized by those who do. As Sir Francis Bacon, the father of deductive reasoning once wrote, "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed".

Weight training builds much, much more than flesh and blood. It sharpens the mind like a cutting stone and develops patience and character through repeated effort. No demon can stand against a will forged through the discipline of iron. "The Secret of Steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle Conan; you must learn its discipline."

There is no biological system that does not benefit directly from regular lifting, be it skeletal, cardiovascular, immunological or neurological. Our innermost cellular defenses against infection and decay are dramatically enhanced with each and every rep. If lost, biological function is restored. Health and beauty are regained. Age is mystified and fatigue is send back to hell from whence it came.

Pumping iron inflates more than just the ego. Arteries swell up with oxygenated blood as hungry cells awaiting nourishment applaud, giving thanks to the glory of the dip, the chin and the squat. Performance on every level improves in direct proportion to the frequency and intensity of each and every workout. Training is conditioning for the soul. It is the bitter medicine that soothes the savage beast. It is the ultimate weapon against morbidity and the melancholy mind. Exercise is essential prevention. Muscle is the health engine of the body, the driving force of motivation and energy, and weight-bearing exercise, the very essence of bodybuilding, is the cornerstone of exercise.

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