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Bodybuilding Shin Exercises
Posted by:Rohan
Development of shin muscles
This group of muscles is often ignored by bodybuilders, and they recall about them only after a failure at competitions.
The correct and effective training will enable to build a shin fast enough.
1. Standing with a weight on shoulders, rise at the toes.
Having put a weight on the shoulders, to mount on toes slowly, and it is necessary to aim to go out to the toes to the limit. Number of repetitions from 12 up to 30 times .
2. Rise to the toes, standing in a special simulator.
Having risen on the 5 - 8 cm support, to go out to the toes slowly , to linger over in the highest point and lowering downwards - to let heels go below as much as it is possible ,stretching a shin Don't bend the legs. Number of repetitions from 8 up to 30 times.
Thus it is necessary to remember, that it is possible to do the an exercise in parts, that is from the position - the heels downwards to the maximum below and up to middle of rise - the accent - to the lower part , and from the middle of the amplitude - up to going out to the toes - the muscle upper part.
The foot position in the horizontal projection to the support matters as well . If to put toes apart, and heels - to put together, the shin internal part gets the large load, toes - together, heels apart - the external part of muscles is more loaded.
3. Rise to the toes in the hook-machine.
(similarly to the previous exercise), but the load of the backbone is less.
4. Rise to the toes in a special simulator , in a sitting position.
As for the technique , it is similar to two previous exercises . By the correct training it gives the effect of muscle stratification into layers by the side view.
5. Shin press in the machine for press with legs.
Having straightened the legs in the machine , slowly, but without stops - to press with the shin a weight up and to lower it down to a limit, having stretched a muscle in the lower point. Don't bend the legs. Number of repetitions from 12 up to 30 times .
6. "Burro".
Putting toes on a prop, to decline in a way that the body is parallel to the floor, thus the hands rest on the bench. One or several partners sit on your spin, then without changing the position of your body, energetically rise to the toes and lower downwards slowly . Minimum number of repetitions - 12.
7. Rise at one leg with a dumb-bell.
Having taken a dumb-bell in the right hand, put the toe of the left leg on a prop. Slow rise to a toe, all the attention to the shin. To take a dumb-bell in the left hand, to make the rises at the right leg. Do not bend the legs. It is possible to hold the support with the other hand.
8. Rise to toes, resting with hands on a wall.
Having rested on a wall with hands, retreat from it so that without bending legs and without touching the floor with the heels , it could be possible to make the shin rises in the maximum amplitude. Smooth, pumping movements. It is possible to do this exercise, having fixed a weight on the belt, or standing at one leg.
9. Walking on the toes.
Having done any of the previous exercises, it is recommended during the breaks between the approaches and after training to walk on the toes, thus aiming to keep pressure in a muscle. To stop in case of cramps' occurrence.
1. Rise in the machine in the standing position 3 - 4 of 15 - 20 In 3 - 4 months
2. "Burro" 3 of 15 - 20
3. Rise to the toes in the machine tool for press with legs 2 - 3 of 10 - 15.
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