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Minerals Are Important For Bodybuilding

Posted by: Ron

Regularly remineralize your body

During the hot summer months (now) you perspire more than usual.  That means your body releases minerals through the skin along with the perspiration.  As you lose minerals and trace minerals, your body gets depleted of electrolytes as well.  Regular strenuous exercise also depletes minerals and electrolytes.  Two of the main symptoms of low electrolytes in your body are being dehydrated and getting muscle cramps.  Water alone just flows through the body.  It needs to have a high enough mineral content for your body to be able to absorb it.

If you've been following these tips, you know how much digestion effects what gets absorbed.  Having poor digestion and absorption leaves you vulnerable to low mineral levels.  Minerals are used for strong bones, muscles and connective tissue.  They're also very important for muscle contractions.  Without adequate amounts of minerals floating around in your system, you'd have a hard time moving, flexing, let alone feeling a pump.

The simplest way to get all the required minerals your body needs is by consuming celtic sea salt regularly.  Replace your single mineral salt (sodium chloride) with the whole spectrum of minerals from the Earth.  Sodium on its own can be bad for you because consuming it alone will get other minerals in your body out of balance.  The magic word is balance.  When you consume all the minerals together, they'll balance each other out and you can rest assured, they'll work well together..

A quick tip to making sure you get all your high quality minerals is to avoid the sugary, expensive, commercial electrolyte drinks and toss a smidgen of celtic sea salt into a quart of water that you drink.  There's no need to even taste it.  For good measure, squeeze a bit of lemon or lime in there and a touch of high quality, unheated honey as well and you've created a VERY low cost, delicious electrolyte drink that your body will thank you for.  It's perfect for during and after your workouts as well.

Now go ahead and enjoy the summer!

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