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High Intensity Training Forum
Posted by: Paul
The purpose of this HIT Training Forum is to provide no-nonsense, gym-tested, practical information on training and nutrition for building muscle, losing fat, and improving all aspects of fitness and physical performance. There are tens of thousands of bodybuilding, fitness and fat loss magazines, books and web sites out there, and the vast majority of them contain information that is utterly wrong, and sometimes even harmful. I hope this forum helps to clear some of the confusion and help people train more productively, more safely, and more efficiently.
High Intensity Training also called HIT is a strength training method which was first made popular in the 1970s by Arthur Jones, the inverter of the Nautilus workout machine.
HIT Training means doing only one set to momentary muscle failure for each exercise, the workouts are intense, brief and infrequent.
When your try HIT you can see for yourself that this type of training is the best and fastest way to achieve your goals.
I have been training for over 40 years and I continue to study and learn from a variety of sources to improve my ability to produce the best possible results and provide practical, no-nonsense information on training and nutrition through this forum. The training and nutrition principles and methods you read about here are the same ones I use every day helping people build muscle, lose fat, feel good and perform their best.
If you have any other questions about High Intensity Training email me and I'll get back to you with an answer as quick as I can.
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