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Can creatine boost testosterone

Posted by: Muscle Nerd

I'm always on the lookout for new discoveries in the fields of exercise, nutrition, and sports supplementation.

Recently, I came across a powerful study that revealed some incredible new research in how to raise testosterone naturally.

You see, most bodybuilders know that that creatine monohydrate increases muscle mass, strength, and power.

That's not even debatable, right?

But until now, we've pretty much attributed it to creatine's ability to increase muscle endurance by replenishing your muscles' energy supply.

Essentially, the longer your muscle can work in a given set:

* the more reps you can do
* the more muscle fiber "micro-damage" you can achieve
* the more muscle you can grow!


But a South African study has now shown that:

Supplementing With Creatine Actually Increases Testosterone!

And not "just" testosterone:

...the more biologically-active form of testosterone called "dihydrotestosterone" (or DHT)!

That's amazing news for anyone looking to build more mass and add some extra zip to the Tarzan and Jane game you and the Mrs. play every Friday night!

Specifically, the study used a loading phase of 20 grams per day for 7 days.

During this time, DHT levels rose a whopping 56 PERCENT!

The test subjects then went to a 5 gram per day "maintenance phase" for another 14 days.

Levels REMAINED high, though at a more conservative 40 PERCENT above baseline.

Would YOU be happy with even a 40 percent increase in testosterone levels?


Here's How To Use Creatine To Naturally Boost Testosterone:

First, I recommend that you use creatine as part of a total "supplement stack" that supports your body's complete anabolic initiative.

Next, since testosterone is a "supply and demand" hormone, I highly recommend you follow an intense workout designed to boost testosterone.

This will allow you to really maximize your hormone levels to take full advantage of creatine's new-found power.

Next, if you're using regular creatine monohydrate for your supplements, start with the same 20g dose for a full week while you're working out.

Then cut back to about 5g a day for up to another 4 weeks before cycling off.

OR, if you're using the creatine gluconate version, just take in about 5-10 g a day without worrying about a load phase because it's so much more bioavailable.Also, make sure to drink LOTS of water throughout the day because creatine is going to hydrate your cells, drawing water from your body.

Also, make sure to drink LOTS of water throughout the day because creatine is going to hydrate your cells, drawing water from your body.

You want to make sure you take full advantage of cell volumization as well as your ability to naturally increase testosterone.

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