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Mike Mentzer bodybuilding workout program for teenagers

Posted by: Brayden

What's a good heavy duty program for a 16 yr old? I am really into Mike Mentzer's Training.

Re: Mike Mentzer bodybuilding workout program for teenagers

Posted by: Paul

Mike Mentzer started training in his early teens and what he did was train his whole body three times a week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He concentrated on getting stronger on the basic exercises and as you can see from the picture above by the age of 19 he was pretty damn big already and won the Mr. Philadelphia contest.

In his books "The Mentzer Method to Fitness" and "Mike Mentzer's Complete Book of Weight Training" he listed out the following workout routine for beginners and teenagers to get the best results for gaining strength and muscle mass.

Full Squats
Bench Press
Bent Over Rows
Press Over Head
Barbell Curls
Triceps Extensions
Barbell Shrugs
Calf Rasies
Sit Ups

It's also important to watch Mike Mentzer's Workout video see https://www.trulyhuge.com/Mike_Mentzer_HIT_Video.htm so you can see the exact exercise form, repetition speed, etc. that Mike would use when he trained people.

Feel free to email at info@trulyhuge.com if you have any other questions.



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