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How to get rid of armpit fat

Posted by: Roshell

I just wanted to know the answer to how to get rid of the fat in front of your arm pit? You know when you put your arm down how that little piece of fat sticks out, what exercise do you do to get rid of that?

Re: How to get rid of armpit fat

Posted by: Nor

You cant lose fat from one particular part of your body. What you can do is tone the muscle in that area and also do cardio to lose fat (which should happen all over your body - not just your arms). Fat does not turn into muscle so all the weight lifting in the world will not turn that flab into muscle. The muscle you gain will however result in you burning more calories than usual which may result in some fat lose.

Re: How to get rid of armpit fat

Posted by: The Buff One

What works for me the most is lifting weights and push-ups! You'd be surprised at the results-- you'll turn that fat into tight muscle. You may want to do cardio workouts to lose fat with it.

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