Posted by: John
Is it better to do one big workout a day or to group mucle areas for certain days and if so what ones should you group?
Posted by: Mike
Split routines are more effective. Doing one big workout a day will most likely cause overtraining. For more info, visit the link below for more details on split workouts...
Posted by: Anatomist1
Whether you should do split routines are not depends upon whether you are a hardcore bodybuilder, and how experienced/developed you are. I would define hardcore bodybuilding as someone who is either thinking about competing in contests or someone who feels like they will just die if their body doesn't look at least as good as prime Arnold Schwartzenegger soon. Split routines are for advanced bodybuilders.
If you're just a guy who wants to put on muscle and look good, and you don't want to dedicate you're every waking thought to manipulating your diet and training routine, 2-3 full body workouts a week are fine. Concentrate on big, multi-muscle-group movements like squats, pullups, bench press/pushups, cable rows, hyperextensions, etc... Endless sets of things like tricep extensions, curls, and hamstring curls are for pros who are doing fine tuning. If you want mass you want to do fewer sets, fewer reps, big movements, and get plenty of rest. If you want to be ripped, buy a Nutrition Almanac, a food scale and a notepad.