Posted by: PFB
Q: Do you have a routine that will put a little extra size on my arms?
A: I get asked this question a lot, but to me it sounds more like this: "Hi, my sleeves flap violently on a windy day and it hurts. With Autumn on its way, do you have an arm routine that will cure this deficiency. I refuse to go down to a child's extra-small size! Please help."
Alright, perform this routine every 5 days. Take extra glutamine and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA's) to help reduce soreness and improve performance, and until the effects kick in, wear a jacket when you go outside!
A1) Standing Close-Grip EZ-Bar
Paused Reverse Curls
5 sets x 4-6 reps @ 5010 tempo, 90 sec. rest interval
- place a Swiss ball behind your upper back to eliminate body sway;
pause at 30º of elbow flexion during the concentric or lifting
action; and switch bars every workout (i.e. Tribar one workout,
Ivanko the next - use the same bar every other workout for a slight
variation in grip width).
A2) Weighted Parallel-Bar Dips
5 sets x 4-6 reps @ 40X0 tempo, 90 sec. rest interval
- use a weight belt.
B1) Mid-Incline Hammer Curls
4 sets x 8-10 reps @ 4020 tempo, 60 sec. rest interval
- perform 3 pauses of 8 seconds about 15-20º apart on the lowering
of the last rep of each set.
B2) Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extensions
to Forehead (a.k.a. Skull Crushers)
4 sets x 8-10 reps @ 3210 tempo, 60 sec. rest interval
- perform 3 pauses of 8 seconds about 15-20º apart on the lowering
of the last rep of each set - make sure you have a spotter around
for this one or you may leave a dent in your head.
C1) Concentration Cable Curls
3 sets x 12-15 reps @ 2010 tempo, no rest
- squat down and place your elbows just inside your knees; with
a supinated (palms up) grip, curl the straight-bar attachment to
your chin; superset with the next exercise.
C2) High-Incline Rope Triceps
3 sets x 12-15 reps @ 2010 tempo, 120 sec. rest interval
- doing pressdowns on an incline bench set at approx. 60-70º
facing away from the machine should keep cheating to a minimum;
keep your elbows glued to your sides throughout the movement.
For the true masochists, finish off with close-grip chin-ups for as many reps as possible (AMRP) then hang at 90º elbow flexion for as long as you can. Go immediately to close-grip push-ups and do AMRP again pausing at 90º of elbow flexion for as long as you can. The volume in this routine should fill out your sleeves in no time!