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Why don't my abs get sore anymore

Posted by: PFB

Q: I have been training for years and I can't seem to feel any soreness in my abdominals anymore. Is there something I can do to wake these guys up?

A: ABSolutely! If you've been doing tons of reps of wimpy little abdominal exercises like most people, then it's no wonder that you're stuck in a rut. Remember, the abdominals are composed of primarily fast-twitch fibers. Here's what I suggest to tap into those "guys":

A1) Lean-Away Chin-Ups 6 x 1-3 @ 5-0-X-0, 120 secs.
- add weight to chin/dip belt, clear chin at top, lean back as you come down by pushing the bar away and make sure to go all the way down at bottom.

A2) Standing Military Press 6 x 1-3 @ 5-0-X-0, 120 secs.
- clean the weight up to your shoulders, stand with your legs straight (yes, that means knees locked) and arch back slightly to maximize pre-stretch.

B1) Decline Leg Raise/Plank 4-6 x 4-6 @ 5-0-X-0, 90 secs.
- this is similar to the move in Rocky IV, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your body then shoot your hips up to form a bow from head to toe, slowly lower your body staying as rigid as possible.

B2) Sicilian Crunch 4-6 x 4-6 @ 5-0-X-0, 90 secs.
- laying supine on a Swiss ball, crunch inwards with the dumbbell resting on your chest then extend your arms out (completely outstretched, in-line with your torso) during the slow eccentric

If you would like to finish off with a couple sets of wheel rollouts for as many reps as possible, be my guest. Make sure to work the legs and back/hip extensors during another workout. Rolling out of bed the next day should offer a pleasant surprise!

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