Posted by: PFB
Q: I need to put on some serious muscle mass but I'm afraid of gaining fat. Please help!
A: One of the best nutritional tips to add lean mass is the addition of carbohydrates at breakfast and post-workout. You're much less likely to store the additional carbs as body fat during these two time periods; however, you must keep fat intake to a minimum since insulin levels will elevate.
Two carb/protein ratios I often use with my clients are 2:1 and 3:1 for breakfast and post-workout, respectively. The grams of protein are based on lean body mass. Let's say your lean body mass is 160 lbs. Multiply that number by 0.25 and you've got the number of protein grams you should ingest. In this case it's 40g of protein. From that point, the calculations are easy: consume 80g of carbs with breakfast, and 120g of carbs post-workout.
For breakfast, I recommend adding in complex, slow-digesting carbs such as oatmeal. For the post-workout time, use rice, or low-fat cereals such as Cheerios.
This trick works extremely well to add mass without that nasty body fat tagging along.