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Supplements for women to gain lean muscle

Posted by: Cynthia


I am interested in purchasing Pumped Extreme Kre-Alkalyn, and I am wondering which other supplements might be helpful for a middle-aged female looking to increase muscle and strength and possibly lose a little fat, although the fat loss is a far second when compared to increasing muscle. However, I certainly don't want to gain back the fat I worked hard to lose a couple of years ago (I lost 20 pounds a couple of years ago).

It seems there are some supplements that are only for men, such as Andro Shock, and I was looking at the Bio-Engineered Protein but then saw Nitrobol and wondered if the Bio-Engineered Protein would be unnecessary. Are there any resources that might help me know which of your supplements I should get to help me reach my goals?

I look forward to trying Pumped Extreme and Nitrobol and might start with those but appreciate any feedback or direction you can provide regarding your other supplements.

Thank you,

- Cynthia

Re: Supplements for women to gain lean muscle

Posted by: Paul

Hello Cynthia,

That is what I would recommend Pumped Extreme and Nitrobol Amino Acids to get started and in the future you might also want to try Ecdy-Bolin and Herbal Fat Melter.

To answer you questions:

Andro-Shock is only supplement we carry that is for men only because it is a testosterone booster.

Nitrobol is the better choice for lean muscle gain and fat loss.

You can get these supplements at https://www.trulyhuge.com/supps.htm

You can also always call me with any questions of if you prefer to order over the phone.




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