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How to get defined arms and shoulders
Posted by: PFB
Q. Do
you have any recommendations on how to lean out biceps, triceps
and shoulder area? I am a female who can get her six pack to show
but I have the most stubborn arms which refuse to "cut up". I realize
it's bodyfat related and that you can't target body areas specifically
for fat loss and definition, but, why are other areas of my body
defined and my arms aren't? I'm typically at about 13 to 15% bodyfat.
It's troublesome especially since all the latest styles are halters
and other arm and shoulder revealing fashion. Can you help solve
this frustrating situation? I love to have toned looking pipes!
A. Wow
this is a good one, which plagues and frustrates many women! Here
are my suggestions:
- First of all, you need to diet.
- Combine aerobics with high intensity, in the following manner:
12 minutes of 10 seconds on, 6 off, then do 15 minutes of aerobics
- twice a week
- Female hormones make it difficult for a woman to have a lean
appearance to their arms. Have your physician peform a hormonal
panel to make sure you have proper hormone ratios within range
for your gender.
- Perform a killer exercise such as the following - Lay down
on a incline bench press with your chest on the bench, take your
arms as high as you can backwards, holding a dumbbell if you can,
do extensions, holding on the top for 3 seconds. Do 4 sets of
12 reps, 30 seconds between sets, that will help your triceps
lean out.
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