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Convict Conditioning Review

Convict Conditioning Book

What is Convict Conditioning?

Convict Conditioning was developed by Paul Wade.  The title and the fact that this book is based on prisoner workouts may seem a bit odd, I thought so as well.  However this book is top notch when it comes to bodyweight workouts and exercises.  The book takes you from doing the very simply push up to one arm handstand push ups.  It has a ton of variety and really helps someone build their bodyweight workouts and exercises capabilities.

What did I like about Convict Conditioning?

First off, I firmly believe that bodyweight workouts are essential for anyone doing any sort of training or following a fitness protocol.  The one thing I really liked about Convict Conditioning is that it starts off basic with basic movements and gets more advanced so it will fit any fitness level.  Bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere basically.  I think the flow and structure of the content is right on.

What Did I Not like about Convict Conditioning?

The one thing I did not like about Convict Conditioning is the moral implications of learning workout tips from people in prison.  But honestly, that needs to be put aside.  Because what Paul Wade offers in the book in terms of bodyweight exercises and workouts is well worth the purchase.  From a pure fitness standpoint, it delivers.

Is Convict Conditioning an effective exercise program?

If you follow what is in the book and actually apply it, yes.  Another thing I really enjoy about bodyweight workouts and exercises is that it limits excuses.  Since you can do most of the exercises anywhere, you are left with little to no excuse to not workout.  And having great content to assist you along the way is a huge benefit.

Who should use Convict Conditioning?

Convict Conditioning can be used by almost anyone who can do bodyweight workouts and exercises.  If you are looking to get stronger, burn fat, get the lean body look, and show off your one hand handstand push ups this is for you.  This book is fantastic for people who are either working out on a regular basis, or about to start a new fitness program.  Actually, if you use Convict Conditioning consisitantly results city is coming your way for sure.

Final Verdict?

Convict Conditioning is a low cost/high reward product.  If you enjoy bodyweight workouts you will really like this book.  If you are new to bodyweight workouts or are a seasoned vet, Convict Conditioning has everything to push you.

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