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Is Now The Time To Switch From Coffee To Herbal Tea?

Coffee vs Tea

Let's face it: Coffee has its hooks in us. From coffee houses to imported beans, from the late-night study session fuelled by caffeine to that first cup, you have to feel somewhat human at the office; many of us not only run on coffee but thrive from it.

That being said, it's not all about the positives. Caffeine dependency is a real, physiological condition that might be harmless in scope but certainly not a nice dependency to rely on. Moreover, you might be tired of having trouble falling asleep at night or suffering the up-and-down crash that you may be experiencing otherwise.

Is now the time to switch from coffee to herbal tea? What might the alternatives be? Let's explore that below:

Beating Stress and Insomnia

Life can be stressful. When it is, we rarely reach for a cup of coffee to cope, as that only amplifies our emotions and raises our heart rate further. Choosing an alternative herbal tea like chamomile, seamless, or valerian root can be a much smarter way to find calm and relaxation. These soothing blends are naturally caffeine-free and have been used for centuries to ease anxiety and insomnia. Additionally, having ready herbs at hand to steep can be a lovely meditative process in itself.

Dietary Aids

It's important to note that coffee is no longer just a quick pick-me-up; for many, it's a treat similar to a dessert. Chocolate shots, whipped cream, pumpkin spice, various milks, and sweeteners it can all be delicious and enjoyable, certainty. But this is rarely healthy and can only inspire further hunger pangs. If you're trying to be healthier, peppermint and dandelion root teas are known to help limit food cravings while never dissolving your healthy appetite for a good balanced intake.

Easier Digestion

Speaking of stomach benefits, many herbal tea options are believed to aid digestion in different ways. Ginger is a proven remedy for nausea (also car sickness), while fennel and peppermint, as discussed above, can help with bloating. Even green tea has compounds that help food break down smoothly and are naturally anti-inflammatory. Sea Moss has antimicrobial and antifungal effects. If you want to control your gut, you could do much worse than introducing herbal teas to your diet, especially with affordable and high-quality products available from Holistic Vybez.

Heightened Mental Focus

But what, we hear you cry, of the energy benefits of caffeine intake? Surely reaching for a soothing herbal tea will hardly help you when you need to catch up to that office deadline or wake up in the morning despite tending to your infant child all night? Luckily, there's an herbal solution for that, too.

Matcha green tea not only has a similar caffeine intake to that of a single coffee cup, but thanks to its natural antioxidants, it feels a much more relaxing journey. Think of gentle energy waves as opposed to a rocket-fuel boost. This also means the "crash" back to normal is much more comfortable, too. That's not to mention how delicious matcha can be, as this green tea variant uses the entire tea extract and herb to make a refined blend.

With this insight, you'll see that now may be the time to switch from coffee to herbal tea.

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