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By Dan Gallapoo
I just returned from a 3 week trip to South America and met several bodybuilders there. One guy had just recently won 1st place in the middleweight division of a regional natural bodybuilding contest. When I meet successful bodybuilders like this I automatically go into "interview mode" and try to pump them for as much information as possible.

I find it interesting that in a country where the dietary staples are beans and rice and many different (and delicious!) fruits, these bodybuilders are eating very little of that stuff. I hope I don't sound like a broken record here, but all the guys "in the know" are limiting carbs and eating plenty of protein like chicken, beef, and eggs to lose bodyfat while maintaining muscle mass.


1. Cut back on your carbohydrate intake and do not eat carbohydrates before bed...and NEVER eat poor quality carbohydrates.

Poor quality carbohydrates are those that contain sugar or are highly processed. These would include most breakfast cereals, breads, snack foods, candies, and even fruits and juices. Eating these foods immediately prior to bedtime will likely result in increased fat deposit and will prevent your body from maintaining a successful fat-burning mode.

2. Increase your muscle mass!

The more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn even at rest. Muscle is extremely active metabolically. Do some resistance training, add some muscle, and crank up that metabolism.

3. Never let yourself get too hungry, or too stuffed.

It really is all about moderation. Time your meals so that you eat before you are starving . . . doing this one simple thing will cause you to almost always eat less. When you do eat, stop when you're satisfied, not when you are so stuffed you cannot even get down another bite.

4. Eat more high fiber foods.

Most of us do not get enough fiber in our daily diets, and that�s just a shame. Fiber not only promotes overall general health, but also can significantly aid in your fat-burning efforts. Leafy greens and salads are ideal sources of fiber.

5. Use a thermogenic supplement.

Monday through Friday I use a thermogenic supplement 2 to 3 times a day. Then I cycle off of it on the weekend. There are several good thermogenic supplements on the market but I had great results with Herbal Genesis, it's PROVEN to accelerate fat loss while preserving muscle tissue. Plus, it has a special ingredient that activate those stubborn A2 receptors located, in men...the love handles, and in women...the hips, thighs, and buttocks. Click Here for more information on the Herbal Genesis

So those are a few of the things I've learned that are very effective in lowering body fat. They've worked very well for me and I sincerely hope they work for you, too.


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