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Beginner Bodybuilding Workout and
Beginner Bodybuilding Supplement Program

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Beginner Bodybuilding Workout

Moderate Body Parts No. of Exercises No. of Reps Intensity Weight Type Cardio Min.
Day 1 Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Abs 2+ 10 to 15 Light - Med Circuit 10-15+
Day 2 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest 10-15+
Day 3 Legs, Lower Back, Abs 2+ 10 to 15 Light - Med Circuit 10-15+
Day 4 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest 10-15+
Day 5 Shoulders, Upper Back, Abs 2+ 10 to 15 Light - Med Circuit 10-15+
Day 6 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest 10-15+
Day 7 Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest

Beginner Supplement Program

Supplement Optimal Daily Dosage Best times to take Rational for using product.
Multi Vitamin 1 Tablet With breakfast Provides essential vitamins and minerals to support
healthy functions
Nitrobol 8 Capsules After a Workout Supplements muscles with the essential Amino Acids which
are most prominent in muscle tissues
Joint Formula 4 Tablets 2 Morning
& 2 Evening
Strengthen and builds cartilage and connective tissues for
healthy joints and eliminates inflammation and pain.
Pumped Extreme 3 Capsules 1/2 hour before Workout Hydrates and volumizes muscles cells increasing strength,
endurance, and size
Whey Protein 1 Scoop Before bed Provides protein necessary to maintain and build healthy muscle mass

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