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AndroMass Review

By Bryan Kernan author of Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets Revealed

Primordial Performanc AndroMass

At the time of writing this review on Andromass it is said to be unavailable at the moment and could be related to the lawsuit pending against Primordial Performance supplements who are the manufacturers of this product. It is said that they are been taken to court by the FDA.

Probably something that was the most noticeable difference when the launch of Andromass started was the fact that it is very expensive. Selling at $200 the supplement claims to supply authentic testosterone and increase the size of blood vessels so muscles can grow and recover faster.

This supplement is clearly designed for the bodybuilder and not the dieter. After reviewing several Primordial Performance supplements we see that there are some that cost even more than AndroMass. For the price that they were asking we expected a long list of clinical studies performed on the individual ingredients and specifically the AndroMass supplement, but that is not what we found.

The product description is short and there are no clinical links assigned so that further research can be done. The list of ingredients range from the much talked about Super-4-DHEA and Super-Rb-DHEA as well as Super-Ra-DHEA to Phospholipid Complex and Grapefruit Peel Oil and Naringenin Extract.

Where to find AndroMass For Sale?

Because it is simply not available at the moment it would be difficult to find but you may be lucky to find a shop that is willing to sell you their stock. However it is a good idea to be weary because even if it works as well as you think you will not be able to continue taking it.

My advice is that if you are looking for a much more affordable, safer and legal alternative checkout Andro Shock.

AndroMass Review

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