CyberStretch is a innovative software program that offers energizing stretch breaks to reduce tension and the risk of repetitive stress injuries in an easy-to-use interactive screensaver format. Because it is a screensaver, it reminds the user to do
CyberStretch before starting to work on a computer, as well as throughout the day.
CyberStretch consists of 26 body-specific, timed stretches (in full color illustrations) and 26 action tips (vision and relaxation breaks, posture checks and fitness tips).
Accessing the Interactive Menu allows the user to select any individual stretch or action tip, or to choose any one of the eight stretch groupings to perform stretches that work specific parts of the body (Head & Neck, Hands & Wrists, etc).
- Be a safety program for computer users
- Reduce costs for business owners
- Allow users to work at computers in greater comfort for longer periods of time
- Provide users with needed posture, relaxation, vision and fitness breaks
- Guide users through body-specific, timed stretches, all designed and approved by an exercise physiologist
- Help reduce muscle tension and the risk of a RSI
- Improve "environ-mentality" by increasing ergonomic awareness
- Enhance mind and body performance by reducing physical and mental stress
- Address workplace safety issues mandated by governmental agencies
- Enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism
- Operate on Windows and Macintosh systems
- Benefit everyone who uses a computer at home, in the classroom or on the job
- Be a head-to-toe stretching program for anyone who needs a refreshing break
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