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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For For 10/28/2009

Weight Lifting Myths And Facts

Myth: Always use a belt when lifting weights.

Fact: If you're an athlete who trains with a weight belt, you are not 
developing your own stabilizing core to function with all of the other 
muscles. This is a problem, because when you go onto the field, the 
strength developed in the weight room cannot be transferred completely 
because you don't have a weight belt with you. You actually limit your
performance by using a weight belt.

Myth: Leg lifts are great for the lower abs.

Fact: When most people lift their legs while on their back, they 
actually inhibit their lower abdominals and strengthen their hip 
flexors. In order to train your lower abdominals correctly, you should 
slowly lift your hips 1 to 2 inches off the floor, which will raise 
your legs and feet a few inches higher. 

Myth: Behind-the-neck Lat Pull-downs are a great exercise for your lats.

Fact: This exercise puts you in a position where your shoulder ligaments 
stretch out - destabilizing your shoulder. This, in turn, can lead to 
compressed nerves at the neck. Aside from that exercise, there is no 
time in your entire life where you will be required to pull anything 
behind your head like that. By doing a lat pull-down in front, you will 
still develop size and strength in your lats.

Myth: The best way to lose weight is aerobic exercise and dieting.

Fact: The best way to lose weight is anaerobic exercise and eating 
regularly. Most strength training consists of anaerobic exercise. The 
anaerobic lactic acid energy system inside the muscle cells is where 
the muscle gets the energy to lift weights. The anaerobic energy system 
is far less efficient than the aerobic system, so that much more fuel is 
burned by anaerobic activity than is burned by doing the same amount of 
work aerobically. Metabolic rates can stay elevated hours after an 
anaerobic workout, while the metabolic rate drops along with the heart
rate after an aerobic workout. More fat is burned for a longer period of
time by working out anaerobically. Dieting does not work well because 
when you restrict the amount of calories consumed per day, your body 
reacts by lowering your metabolic rate so that less calories are needed, 
instead of burning more fat to make up for the lost calories. The best 
way to change your diet is to decrease the caloric intake in a 
wave-like pattern, so that your body does not adapt and more fat is 
burned. Another important thing to do is to eat six small meals a day 
instead of 3 larger ones. The reason behind this is that if you eat 3 
meals a day, you get hungry and your body starts to lower your metabolic 
rate, which means that less fat is burned. If you eat 6 smaller meals, 
you don't get as hungry, and your body maintains a higher metabolic rate, 
meaning that you burn more fat.

Myth: Weight lifting causes big muscles.

Fact: You can create a program which increases strength without any 
increase in muscle size. Muscle size is only one component in strength. 
Another important one is the nervous system. The nervous system can almost
exclusively be trained so that it can activate muscles harder and longer, 
which increases the strength in those muscles, without allowing the 
muscles themselves much if any increase in size. This is great news 
for women who don't want to bulk up, but still want to get stronger.

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