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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Support Your Joints

It's true bodybuilders, powerlfiters and others involved 
in athletics cause a lot of stress, wear and tear on 
their joints. 

Each and every workout you do subjects your joints and 
tendons to the work load volume of tons of w eight along 
with the wear and tear of stretching and contracting over 
and over again.

Today millions of people have joint disorders. 

Joint supplements can aid in joint and connective tissue 
health and repair.

If you have been training hard for years, joint 
supplements can really make a big difference.

Even younger trainers should use joint support supplements 
to prevent future joint problems.

For more information on joint health go to

     Fitness Tips For 7/8/2009

Barbell Squat Workout

The human body will eventually adapt to any sustained routine so any work out routine
should be changed periodically for continued muscle development. Although many 
workouts can be used on the barbell squat, for strength and endurance, we recommend 
the pyramid style work out as follows:

Warm up by jogging or other non-strenuous exercises to get a good sweat.

1st SET - Empty bar 15 reps.

2nd SET - 1/3 of maximum weight (defined as the most weight an athlete can do 5 reps
 with) 12 reps.

3rd SET - 2/3 of maximum weight 10 reps.

4th SET - Maximum weight 5-6 reps.

Take a short break (1-2 minutes)

5th SET - Maximum weight 5-6 reps.

6th SET - Tear-down (remove * weight) doing as many reps as possible concentrate on 
acceleration of weight upward. 

As athlete gets stronger, add more weight for 4th and 5th SET, which for the first 
several workouts may only be lifted 3-4 reps. Continue working at that level until 
6 reps are achieved. Most important for muscle development - Avoid One Rep Max.

We also recommend that athletes keep their head up to help focus on the acceleration
of the weight and maintain a good curvature of the back.

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