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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss System

We are happy to announce the New Get Lean Quick 14 Day 
Program is in and available for immediate shipment.

Specifically Designed to Promote the Fastest, Most Dramatic 
Fat Loss Possible in Only 2 Weeks! A Revolutionary approach 
to rapid body shaping. Designed for those who need to lose 
body fat NOW!

For full info on Get Lean Quick go to:
Get Lean Quick 14 Day Rapid Weight Loss Diet System  

     Fitness Tips For For 2/17/2010

The Best Total Body Workout Schedule For Beginners

This weight training routine will give you a total body workout. 
This routine can be done on Tuesday & Thursday. Do cardio and 
abs on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Or you can do the weight 
routine on Monday Wednesday & Friday and do Cardio & abs on 
Tuesday & Thursday.

Chest & Upper Body:

Bench Press: These can be done with a barbell or a pair of 
dumbbells. do 10 to 15 reps.


One arm Dumbbell rows: Do these one arm at a time for 10 
to 15 reps.


Shoulders Press: These can be done standing up or sitting 
down with a barbell or with dumbbells. Do 10 to 15 reps.


Biceps Curl: These can be done with Dumbbells or with a 
barbell. Do 10 to 15 reps.

Triceps Extension: These can be done standing, sitting or 
laying on a bench. Do 10 to 15 reps.


Squat: these can be done with Dumbbells or a Barbell. Do 10 
to 15 reps. Alternate these with the next exercise. Do S
quats in one workout and Lunges in the next workout.

Lunges: Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with your 
left leg until your right knee touches the floor. Stand and 
repeat with the other leg. Do 10 to 15 reps with each leg.

Calf Raises: Hold a dumbbell in each hand or a barbell across 
the shoulders. Stand on the balls of your feet. lower and 
repeat for 10 to 15 reps.

Go through this cycle one time then repeat 1 or 2 more times.

If you are trying to burn fat, it is a good idea to take a 
fat burner supplements like those that come with the 
Get Lean Quick Program, for more information go to 
Get Lean Quick  

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The Best Total Body Workout Schedule For Beginners

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