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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  


* Speed up your metabolism to help lose weight.

* Give yourself more energy.

* Preserve your muscle tissue.

* Burn fat calories.

For full details see Herbal Fat Burner  

     Fitness Tips For For 2/3/2010

Stair Stepper Machine Workouts

Stair Stepper machines are one of the most popular and one of the
most effective forms of cardio exercise. You get all of the 
benefits of running up stairs without any of the drawbacks. 
Running can be hard on your legs because of the impact. Stair 
Stepper machines are low impact and they are a lot easier on the
legs. With Stair Stepper machines the weather outside is not a 
concern as it can be with running. But the biggest advantage of 
Stair Stepper machines is that the speed is adjustable. This 
makes them far superior to running.

The best way to use Stair Stepper machines is to start off with 
a slow speed and then increase the speed little by little until 
you are running really fast. When you start to get tired, you can 
gradually decrease the speed while you catch your breath. Once 
you are rested, you can increase the speed again. Go through 
3 or 4 of these cycles in a 20 or 30 minute period.

A lot of Stair Stepper machines can be programmed to 
automatically go through these cycles. You can start with an 
easy program and increase the intensity with each workout. 

To get the most out of cardio training you should do an 
intense 20 to 30 minute workout 3 days a week. If you are 
trying to burn fat, you should take a fat burner supplement 
like Herbal Fat Melter for more information go to 
Herbal Fat Burner  

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