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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Get Ripped Quick

This 14 day program is designed for athletes that 
desire to achieve that rock-hard "shredded" contest 
like appearance. 

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     Fitness Tips For For 3/24/2010

Tips On Getting Motivated To Workout

Remember, the average person does not need to train as if they are 
trying out for the Olympics! Exercising as little as three times 
a week for 20-60 minutes will bring results.

Think healthy thoughts. Knowing that exercise improves our health 
is a good incentive. Do it for yourself. Do it for those who love 

Choose an activity that you enjoy doing. Join a gym, ride a bike, 
go for walks, take exercise classes… just get the body in motion 
on a regular basis.

Exercising on a regular basis burns calories. No need to go on an 
extreme eating program, just make healthier food choices. When 
feeling sluggish, remember that exercise is invigorating. Instead 
of curling up on the couch or going for those chips, get physical.

Exercise is not an all or nothing endeavor. Do what you can when 
you can. If you miss a few exercise sessions it's not the end of 
the world – or your program. Just get back to it. Your body 
remembers and it will respond by feeling and looking great. 

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