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Garage Gym

Convert Garage To Gym

The Ultimate Garage Gym

The first thing you need to do before building your garage gym is move all the junk out of it. A full day cleanup is in order if you want to maximize your experience. This is important for several reasons. The first reason is that most garages are dirty, dusty, and sometimes moldy. Not only will this inhibit the feeling of success, but it'’s unhealthy if you're going to spend a lot of time in there. By cleaning everything and getting rid of all unneeded items, you have already set a base for success. You will also be more likely to remain motivated because you put so much time into restructuring the garage.

The second reason it’s necessary to clean the garage thoroughly prior to using it as a gym is an obvious one. You need to create space. If you're going to do this correctly, you’re going to need barbells and dumbbells, a bench, a carpet, a radio, and some free space for push-ups and sit-ups.

After you have cleaned the garage and created as much space as possible, it's time to start bringing in the iron. It would be unrealistic to have a set of dumbbells that range from 5 lbs to 110 lbs. Only the super rich would be able to afford that. What you need to do is plan a budget, decide how many different weights you want based on your workout goals, scour ads on Craigslist for used barbells and dumbbells in your area, and begin making your purchases.

If there's room left in your budget for a bench, go ahead and get one, but it's not necessary. Most exercises that are done on a bench can be done on the floor, and are actually better for you and more effective when done on the floor. Also look on craigslist for a pullup bar and maybe a powercage. If you want to lose weight you might also want to invest in a good treadmill. Or you can also go running outside. You need to establish an attitude that whether it’s rain, sleet or shine, you’re going to run before or after every workout. That attitude of battling the elements will make you tougher, which helps when lifting.

Stick to these basics and you’re on your way to a great garage gym.

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