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Back Workouts
"Carry the load with a strong back"

Article care of www.strengthandpowerdigest.com


Heavy #1

Deadlift: 1x15, 1x10, 2x8, 1x6, 1x4.

Lat Pull-downs: 1x10, 2x8, 2x6.

Seated Rows: 1x10, 2x8, 1x6.

Heavy #2

Deadlift: 1x15, 2x8, 2x6, 1x4, 1x2.

Lat Pull-downs: 1x10, 2x8, 2x6.

Seated Rows: 1x10, 2x8.

Heavy #3

Deadlift: 1x15, 1x10, 2x8, 2x6.

Bent-Over Rows: 2x10, 2x8.

T-Bar: 1x10, 2x8, 1x6.

Lat Pull-Downs: 1x10, 2x8.

Light Back Workouts:

Light #1

Lat. Pull-downs: 1x15, 2x10, 2x8.

Seated Rows: 1x15, 2x10, 1x8.

T-Bar: 1x15, 3x10.

Light #2

Deadlifts: 1x15, 2x10, 1x8.

Lat. Pull-Downs: 1x15, 2x10, 2x8.

Seated Rows: 3x10.

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